Senior men pass Kenmare test

Killarney Legion 2-15 Kenmare shamrocks 3 – 8
Credit to both sides who served up a competitive hard fought – and despite the rain and strong breeze – high quality game.Faster out of the blocks the Legion raced into a 6 pt.lead an early goal coming from the outstanding Jamie O Sullivan who had a personal tally of 1-11.Kenmare however settled into their stride and took advantage of a Legion defensive mix-up to find the net.This was followed by a further two points and a leg block by the Legion backs saw the resultant penalty driven to the net.However this led to a determined last 15 the Legion and a flurry of points saw them go in with a healthy 7 point lead.
With the wind at their backs the Shamrocks set about their task with renewed vigour and by midway in the second half had narrowed the gap to just a single point having scored another goal after another Legion defensive slip.The move of Chris Davies onto Stephen O Brien who was becoming more influential paid big dividends along with Jonathan Lynes dynamic leadership for the Legion as they wrestled control back and buoyed by a Jack O Neill goal they controlled the last 10 minutes stretching the lead once again to 5 pts.before Kenmare pointed from a free to leave a 4 point winning margin.This performance was certainly of championship standard and was very pleasing from the Legions point of view (the concession of 3 goals notwithstanding)as they rallied at a stage when the game appeared to be drifting from them.As a team they were certainly tuned in and their workrate and endeavour brought them the win they deserved.
Ballymacelligott 1-7 Killarney Legion 3-13
A fine away win for the u14’s in this first game of the year for them and registering a very healthy 3-13 in the process.
Club championship Rd.2,Killarney Legion V Rathmore,Sunday 8th.April at 2.30 p.m. in Derreen,all support greatly appreciated.
Please drop any bags to the clubhouse before Saturday April 14th.All sorts accepted.
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